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Katipō Cross Stitch Pattern

Explore the captivating world of New Zealand's Katipō spider with our free cross-stitch pattern for October. These tiny arachnids are renowned for their enigmatic beauty. Adult female Katipō spiders boast black bodies adorned with striking red stripes. In the northern North Island, a black variant exists, characterized by its absence of red stripes.

Katipō spiders expertly weave webs among beach grasses and driftwood, primarily catching ground-crawling insects. Sadly, their habitats are threatened by human activity, making their conservation crucial.

Though Katipō spiders have venomous reputations, actual bites are extremely rare, and fatalities are dubious. To honor these intriguing creatures, we offer a free Katipō cross-stitch pattern for personal use. Discover the beauty and mystery of the Katipō spider as you embark on your cross-stitch journey.

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